
Hair or Makeup First? Which is Better? (The Verdict)

When it comes to hair and makeup, there is no right or wrong answer to the question of whether hair or makeup first. It really depends on personal preference and what look you are going for. However, there are some general tips that can help you decide when to do your hair first before makeup.

Hair or Makeup First?

It really depends on the look you are going for. If you are looking for a more natural look, then it is usually best to start with hair first. This allows you to apply makeup in a way that complements your hairstyle. However, if you are looking for a more dramatic look, then it is typically recommended to start with your makeup first. This ensures that your makeup is set and you may style your hair accordingly.

When you’re getting ready for a special event, it can be hard to know what should come first: your hair or your makeup? Both are essential components of an outfit so picking one and doing it first is going to be a bit tricky. Leave your hair first and you may not have time to redo it at the end of everything else you have planned. Do your makeup first and if something happens with your makeup, you won’t be able to fix it later. With both of these things in mind, how do you choose what comes first? At face value, we don’t think there is really any right answer as both are important, and doing either one will make all the difference. But when looking at the big picture, there may very well be some hidden pros and cons to figuring out which one should come first. Here are a few things to consider before making that decision.


Why Makeup First?

If you do your makeup first, there is a higher chance that you will get the product on your hair. This can be anything from foundation to powder to even eye shadow. While you can certainly brush out any excess product that gets on your hair while doing hair.

Why Hair First?

Doing your hair first gives you a chance to see how your hairstyle looks with an uninterrupted face.

The Case for Hair – When to Do It First

It depends on your morning routine and what works best for you. Some people like to do their hair first so they can get it out of the way and not have to worry about it later. Others prefer to do their makeup first so they can take their time and make sure everything is perfect before moving on to their hair.

When Your Hair Takes Longer to Do

If your hair takes longer to do, then it definitely makes sense to get it out of the way first. There are many different hairstyles to choose from, but some will take more time than others. The amount of time it will take to put your hair done will depend on factors such as how long your hair is and what hairstyle you’re going for. You may notice that it takes significantly longer to put your hair up than it does to put it down. That is because the first step of any hairstyle that requires a lot of hair is to get it out of the way. For instance, braiding your hair will take time because you have to gather all of your hair together in each section. Your makeup, on the other hand, can be as quick or as slow as you want it to be. You can take your time and apply several layers of foundation, eyeliner and lipstick or you can choose to put on very little makeup and take advantage of the no-makeup trend.

should you do hair or makeup first

The Case for Makeup – When to Do It First

There are benefits to starting with makeup first as well. Doing your makeup before your hair allows you to create a finished look that is tailored to your hairstyle. This way you can ensure that your makeup compliments your hair and not the other way around. For example, if you are planning to wear your hair down and straight, you may want to opt for a more natural makeup look such as a subtle smoky eye and light lip color. On the other hand, if you plan to wear your hair up in an elaborate style, you may want to go for a more dramatic makeup look such as a bold lip color and heavy eyeliner.

When Your Makeup Takes Longer to Do

If your makeup takes longer to do, then you’ll want to get it out of the way first. Although very few people wear a full face of makeup these days, there are still tons of different makeup looks to choose from. Depending on the look you want, you’ll need different amounts of time to put it on. For instance, creating a bold eye makeup look will take more time to create than something subtle like a pop of color on your lips. Other factors that will affect the time it takes to put on your makeup include the number of layers you apply and what tools you decide to use. You may want to consider finding a makeup artist to help you with your special event look if your makeup takes a lot of time. Also, be sure to do a test run before the special event with the look you want to go for. This can help you to see how long it will take and what you will need to have at your disposal to complete your look in the right amount of time.

You’d Prefer to Do One Thing Before the Other

If you have a preference for which you’d like to do before the other, then you can use that to decide which comes first. For example, many people prefer to do their makeup before they put their hair up. This is because putting your hair up can be a bit messy. You may notice that hairspray and other products used for securing your hairstyle can make it difficult to get your makeup just right. By doing your makeup first, you’ll be able to clean up any mess that your makeup may make and get everything looking perfect before you put your hair up.

The Outfit Requires One or the Other

If the outfit you’re wearing requires one of the two things, then you can use that to help you decide which comes first. For instance, if your outfit requires a special hairstyle, you’ll want to get that out of the way first. You may also need to do your hair before you put on your outfit if you are wearing a costume or a special piece of clothing that requires you to have your hair put up or gathered away. You’ll want to make sure that you can still put it on with your hair up and out of the way. Depending on the outfit, you may need to put your makeup on before you put your hair up if the outfit requires you to have your hair down.

Personally, I think it depends on the situation. If I’m going to be doing my own hair and makeup, I usually do my hair first. That way, I can take my time with my hair and not worry about messing up my makeup. But if someone else is doing my hair and makeup, I usually have them do my makeup first. That way, I can make sure everything is how I want it before they start on my hair.

makeup before or after

Makeup or Hair First For Wedding?

Many people have a hard time deciding whether to do their makeup or hair first getting ready for the wedding.

If you have long hair, doing your hair first may be the best option. This way you can avoid getting your hair products on your face and give time for your hair to set properly. Doing your hair first will also help keep any loose hairs out of your face while doing your makeup. Also, you can wash your face before makeup if you sweat during hair styling.

Another thing to consider is how well your hairstyle will hold up under a layer of makeup. If you’re planning on wearing a lot of foundation or powder, it’s best to do your makeup first. Otherwise, you risk ruining your perfectly styled ‘do!

“I always recommend doing your hair before your makeup,” says celebrity hairstylist Mark Townsend. “That way, you can avoid getting any smudges or fallout on your face.” Once you’ve got your gorgeous updo or sleek blowout in place, then you can move on to flawless foundation and a killer smoky eye.


When it comes to hair and makeup, there’s no right or wrong answer as to which should come first. It’s all about what works best for you and your lifestyle. If you’re someone who likes to get up and go in the morning, doing your hair first may be the way to go. That way, you can let your hair air dry or style it while you do your makeup.

On the other hand, if you’re someone who likes to take their time getting ready in the morning, starting with your makeup might be the way to go. That way, you can do your hair while your makeup sets or dries.

Ultimately, it doesn’t really matter which order you do things in as long as you’re happy with the end result. So experiment a little and see what works best for you!

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